7 of the Best Direct Mail Sales Letters of all Time for Inspiration

Want to reach more qualified prospects using proven-to-work direct mail sales letters?

Check out 7 of the best direct mail letters of all time which you can easily customize for your business!

1. Reach 70% of prospects with direct mail sales letters

According to the Direct Marketing Association, 70% of consumers prefer to be marketed to by mail (vs. digital!).

The best direct mail letters of all time come down to ONE key factor:

Mailing consistently!

Here’s a letter sample you can customize for your business:

direct mail sales letter

2. Send insurance marketing letters to attract 81% of your prospects

Do direct mail sales letters still work?

81% of Americans (according to the USPS) still check their mail everyday… which of course includes YOUR prospects!

Here’s another template you can use:

direct mail sales letter

3. Place your professional headshot on this direct mail sales letter

Check out how this template also features 3 images of the properties!

direct mail sales letter

4. Maximize response (and ROI) with the best direct mail letters of all time

Your direct mail sales letters should include the following characteristics to maximize response (and ROI):

Here’s a fundraising letter (for nonprofits) you can see:

direct mail sales letter

5. Add a faux check to the bottom of your direct mail sales letter

ATTN: realtor, brokers, and credit professionals:

Adding a check to your direct mail sales letter entices prospects to call you for their cash offer!

direct mail sales letter

6. Send the best direct mail letters of all time (ATTN: brokers!)

Check out this full-color, tri-fold letter which features a big, bright image of a house anybody would love to own!

best direct mail letters of all time

7. Add a handwritten note on your insurance direct mail sales letter

Whether you’re an insurance agent or note, this handwritten note technique grabs attention and shows prospects you’re a personal business…

best direct mail letters of all time

Need even more direct mail sales letter samples?

We can design a completely custom letter from scratch just for your business!

Call 800-442-0112 today and a trained marketing consultant will help you one-on-one to plan the best letter AND matching mailing list to grow your business!