Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Articulated Set

Availability is subject to change, please verify prior to enrolment.

Normal Course Duration

Course duration referenced below is the effective time taken to complete a course when studied full time (full time equivalent duration). At Charles Sturt the standard calendar refers to 32 points a session over a 2 session calendar year. The Actual Duration is the time taken to complete the course following the prescribed enrolment pattern. A course's actual duration can be affected by the session calendar (number of sessions undertaken per year) and/or mode (full time, part time or mixed) and credit packages which may have been granted upon admission. Therefore, depending on the prescribed enrolment pattern, mode, calendar utilised and credit awarded a course may take less time or more time to complete than the duration noted as full time equivalent years. Students are advised to consult the Enrolment Pattern to determine the actual duration of study.

Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Full-time: 0.5 years (or part-time equivalent)

Admission Criteria

Applicants for the Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages must hold an undergraduate degree, three-year diploma, or other qualifications deemed to be AQF equivalent.

English Language Proficiency
Standard English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements. This will apply to both domestic and international applicants. Offer may be conditional on ELP but applicants will be required to provide evidence of meeting these requirements before the start of studies.


Standard Charles Sturt University Credit Policy applies:

Graduation Requirement

To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 36 points.

Course Structure

This course consists of 5 core subjects.

Core subjects (5 subjects)
EML509 Grammar & Linguistics for Teaching Language
EML510 Language: Theory, Acquisition & Development
EML524 TESOL Across Curriculum, Practice and Pedagogy
EML525 English in the World
EPT504 TESOL Professional Experience (4)

Enrolment Pattern

The recommended enrolment pattern is part-time. Full-time study is subject to the approval of the Course Director.


SESSION 1 (February) Intake

Year 1 - Session 1
EML509 English Grammar
EML525 English in the World

Year 1 - Session 2
EML510 Language Theory, Learning and Development
EML524 TESOL across Curriculum, Practice, and Pedagogy
EPT504 TESOL Workplace Experience (4)

SESSION 2 (July) Intake

Year 1  Session 2
EML510 Language: Theory, Acquisition & Development
EML524 TESOL Across Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Practice

Year 1 - Session 3
EPT504 TESOL Professional Experience (4)

Year 2 - Session 1
EML509 Grammar & Linguistics for Teaching Language
EML525 English in the World

Workplace Learning

Please note that the following subjects may contain a Workplace Learning component. Further details for Workplace Learning requirements are located via the subject page

EPT504 TESOL Professional Experience

The information contained in the CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: July 2022. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.