Real Estate Client Intake Form (3)

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A real estate client intake form is used by real estate agents to gather information from prospective clients who intend to sell or purchase property. The form will allow the client to give their contact information and offer details about what they intend to buy or sell. The information gathered helps the agent keep track of new customers and understand their goals in order to provide a more personalized service.


By Type (3)

Real Estate Client Intake Form -A general form used to collect information from prospective buyers and sellers.

Real Estate Buyer Intake Form – Real estate agents may use this document as a first step in the property purchase process with new clients.

Real Estate Seller Intake Form – Designed specifically for clients selling property with them.


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DISCLAIMER: Thank you for your interest in being a client of [AGENCY/AGENT NAME] . Information collected about new clients is confidential and will be treated accordingly.


Client Name: _____________________ ☐ Buyer ☐ Seller
Client Street Address: ______________________________
City: _____________________ State: _____________________ Zip Code: ________
E-Mail: _____________________ Phone: _____________________

Property of Interest: __________________________ (MLS#_________)

If buying, are you pre-approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, with whom? ___________________________________________

How did you hear about us? ______________________________________

Property type: ☐ Land/Lot/Acreage ☐ Residential ☐ Investment ☐ Commercial

Timeframe for buying/selling? ______________________________________

Property information: _____________________________________________

Additional information: _____________________________________________


Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________
Printed Name: ____________________

Essential Information