Scdl solved assignments quantitative techniques

2. Question- Researcher administers treatments to subjects in an artificial environment in the case of

Correct Ans- Laboratory experiment 3. Question- ______ probability are when result are predicted using counting principles. Correct Ans- Theoretical 4. Question- Statistics is applicable to Correct Ans- Academic Disciplines , Natural and Social Sciences

5. Question- _______ frequency of a given interval represents the total of all previous class frequencies including the class against which it is written.

Correct Ans- Cumulative 6. Question- The different operational measures in an experiment are Correct Ans- Verbal, Electromechanical, Direct

7. Question- The scientific method of studying causal relations under controlled conditions is called.

Correct Ans- Experimental approach 8. Question- Theoretical probability is also called_____. Correct Ans- Classical. 9. Question- The data kept in a particular class should be heteroheneous. Correct Ans- TRUE 10. Question- Data analysis is part of the primary stage of research study. Correct Ans- TRUE 11. Question- There has to be a mode. Correct Ans- FALSE 12. Question- In queuing problems, the number of arrivals per unit of time can be estimated. Correct Ans- probability theory 13. Question- Correct Ans- 1 ) Classification according to region Geographical classification 2 ) Classification according to occurrence Of an event in time Chronological classification 3 ) Classification according to attributes Qualitative classification 4 ) Classification according to magnitudes Quantitative classification 13. Question- When the upper limit of one class is included in that class itself, it is called the Correct Ans- Inclusive method LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - 2

1 . Question – Class _______denote the lowest and highest value in constructing the destruction for continuous data that can be included in the class.

Correct Ans – Limits
2 . Question – A scale can be classified as judgment scale based on techniques of scale. Correct Ans – TRUE

3 . Question – Researcher administer treatments to subjects in an artificial environment in the case of

Correct Ans – Laboratory experiment 4 . Question – In the study of consumer expenditure we mainly use Correct Ans – 5 . Question – Research involves Correct Ans – Collection of data , Analysis of data , Creation of data

6 . Question – the Term ‘science’ refers to the body of unsystematic and unorganized knowledge which makes use of the scientific method in the field of enquiry.

Correct Ans – TRUE

7 . Question – Unstructured interviews permit a ________ account of personal and social contexts of beliefs and fallings.

Correct Ans – free flowing 8 . Question – When data is classified according to the time of its occurrence, it is known as Correct Ans – Chronological classification 9 . Question – A ________ is a tabulated statement of detail. Correct Ans – Simulation 10 . Question – Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method? Correct Ans – Verifiability of phenomena 11 . Question – Observation becomes scientific when it is Correct Ans – planned deliberately , systematically , subjective visualized 12 . Question - Cumulative scales are also know as ______. Correct Ans – Scalorgrams 13 . Question – The information in the source list should be drawn on a stratified basis. Correct Ans – TRUE 14 . Question – Research is _______ enquiry. Correct Ans – Organized. 15 . Question – The scientific method of research is _______. Correct Ans – Accurate 16 . Question – Observing the result of an occurrence would be an _______ observation. Correct Ans – Unstructured 17 . Question – Major data collection techniques are Correct Ans – Observation, Questionnaire, Interview 18 . Question – The aim of observation can be Correct Ans – Verification of hypothesis , Discovery of cretins facts , Knowledge of causal relation 19 . Question – Predictability is based on _______ of Causative factors. Correct Ans – Scientificity

20 . Question – Concepts utilized in a hypothesis should be clearly define both formally and operationally.

Correct Ans – TRUE 21 . Question – Object of survey to study Correct Ans –1 Social conditions 2 Social relationships 3 Social behaviour 22 . Question- Non probability sampling may be classified into Correct Ans- 1 Convenience sampling 2 Judgmental sampling 3 Quota sampling

23 . Question- In a laboratory the scientists have kept two sets of guinea pigs under observation; the first group is continuously exposed to harsh light and the other group is kept in darkness. This is an example of

Correct Ans- Non of the above 24 . Question- Correct Ans- 1 Process of designing definite form of research - 1 Crystallization 2 Formulation of research problem – 2 Hypothesis 3 Summary of research – 3 Primary synopsis 4 Indepth knowledge 4 Conceptual clarity 25 . Question - Tabulation is of no use in the process of comparison. Correct Ans- TRUE

26 . Question- The sampling design deals with the question of how many subjects are to be observed and how the observations are to be organized .

Correct Ans-TRUE 27 . Question - The following considerations should be kept in mind while defining research problem Correct Ans Human consideration Economic Consideration Environmental Consideration 28 . Question - Research in natural sciences is mainly Correct Ans- Descriptive 29 . Question- Systematic random sampling is also called ------------method Correct Ans- Fixed Interval 30. Question- Some methods of collecting data are Correct Ans-1 Questionnaire 2 Interviews

31. Question- A frame which does not include all units of the population by its structure is called an

Correct Ans- Inadequate frame 32. Question- Qualitative differentiation between the items of a given population is referred to as Correct Ans- Attribute 32. Question- The mailed questionnaire method offers greater control then the interview method. Correct Ans- TRUE 33. Question- The greater the complexity of data, the lesser the possibility of accuracy. Correct Ans- TRUE 34. Question- Advantages of secondary data include. Correct Ans- Economy in terms of availability Wider database Time Saver 35. Question- Both close ended and open ended questions are found in Correct Ans- Mixed questionnaires 36. Question- Quantitative classification becomes the basis for _______distribution. Correct Ans- frequency

37. Question- A small study carried out before a large ecale study in order to try out a procedure or to test a principle is called

Correct Ans- Pilot study 38. Question- Each table should have a Correct Ans- Clear and concise title, distinct number, Captions and stubs 39. Question- The analysis step of the experimental method involves Correct Ans- Collection of data and processing, computing of test statistics 40. Question- Predictive scale is a type of scale based on technique of scaling. Correct Ans- FALSE 41. Question- Correct Ans- 1 ) Population is divided into a number of group Cluster Sampling 2 ) Sampling procedure carried out in several stage Multistage Sampling 3 ) Taking item at regular intervals Systematic Random Sampling 4 ) Population is divided into a number of mutually Exhaustive and exclusive stratum Stratified random Sampling 42. Question- Interest is not a part of research process. Correct Ans- FALSE 43. Question- Scale are classified as nominal scaling on scaling technique. Correct Ans- TRUE 44. Question- The criteria to be met in statistical sampling are Correct Ans- Comprehensiveness of content , Reliability of result , Accurate interpretation 45. Question- Time management is of prime importance in Correct Ans- Decision making 46. Question- A research design is simply a ______ for study. Correct Ans- Blueprint 47. Question- Open ended question limit response of the subject to stated number of alternative. Correct Ans- FALSE 48. Question- The different ranking methods are Correct Ans- Simple ranking, paired comparison rating scale, Constant sum rating scale 49. Question- The primary sources of data are Correct Ans- Observation, Interview, mailed questionnaire 50. Question- A verbal method of collecting data is called Correct Ans- Interview 51. Question- Participant observation helps to

Correct Ans- Get the spontaneous picture, Get wider information, watch behavior of group in natural surroundings

52. Question- The person who is giving interview is called_____ . Correct Ans- Interviewer 53. Question- One of the valuable attributes of a good hypothesis is its power of Correct Ans- Prediction 54. Question- Most anthropological research may be characterized as _______ Correct Ans- Descriptive 55. Question- Tabulation facilitates complex and inconvenient presentation of data. Correct Ans- FALSE

56. Question- In case of ______ classification the class is divided into two subclasses and only one attribute is studied.

Correct Ans- Simple 57. Question- Those who receive the experimental treatment comprise Correct Ans- Control group 58. Question- The simple meaning of research is to search for facts. Correct Ans- TRUE 59. Question- In classification of data, whole data is divided into a number of Correct Ans- Classes 60. Question- ______ are used a as visual form of presentation of data. Correct Ans- Graphs

61. Question- _______ means computation of certain along with searching for patterns of relationship that exist between data groups.

Correct Ans- Analysis

62. Question- An experiment is designed to measure the effects of price and advertisement on the sales of a product. Here the independent variables are